Is It Really Santa?

As Christmas approached, a mix of excitement and dread filled the air. For most people, it was a time of joy, but for me, it carried haunting memories that I couldn't escape. It all began when I was just eleven years old, a time when innocence and belief in Santa Claus were still intact.

That particular Christmas, my parents decided that we would celebrate the holiday season at my uncle's place, which was nestled in the heart of an eerie forest, far from the hustle and bustle of the city. As we embarked on the journey, the distant howls of animals and the dense canopy of trees added an eerie feeling to the atmosphere.

Upon reaching my uncle's house, my excitement waned as I noticed the strange decorations adorning the place. Elf dolls stared at me with lifeless eyes, and the Christmas trees seemed to cast ominous shadows. Balloons hung eerily, swaying in the breeze like ghostly apparitions.

Aunt Sofia greeted us warmly at the door, but an unsettling feeling gnawed at my insides. My parents engaged in conversation with Uncle Joe, while I eagerly inquired about my cousins, Ron, Kim, and Jim. Sofia informed me that they were upstairs.

The cousins soon descended the staircase, their presence somewhat comforting. However, I noticed Kim's absence and inquired about it. He was getting ready for a party at a friend's place, Aunt Sofia said, explaining his absence during the Christmas celebration.

As the evening progressed, we indulged in scrumptious plum cake prepared by Uncle Joe. However, my mind remained preoccupied with thoughts of Kim and the fact that he wouldn't be joining us for the festivities.

Soon, Ron approached me with a mischievous grin and suggested we play hide and seek. I hesitated at first, unsure of my seeking skills, but Ron's insistence made me agree. As I counted to fifty, my heart pounded with excitement and apprehension.

The game began, and I embarked on the search for my hiding cousins. Minutes turned into what felt like hours, but I couldn't find them anywhere. Panic started to rise within me, and I called out for them to clap and reveal their hiding spots.

To my surprise, faint claps echoed from the main door. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to explore outside. As I stepped into the chilly night, a strange sensation enveloped me, as if an unseen presence lurked in the darkness.

"Ho Ho Ho!" A voice rang out from the depths of the forest, making my blood run cold. I turned to find a figure emerging from the shadows, dressed in a worn and tattered Santa costume. His eyes, red and bloodshot, seemed to pierce through my very soul.

"I am Santa," he claimed, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "Come with me to my house, little one. I have a special gift waiting for you."

Fear gripped me, but I was unable to resist his strange allure. With each step we took, the woods seemed to close in around us, isolating us from the world we knew.

Eventually, we arrived at a decrepit, isolated house, far from the comfort of my uncle's place. The place looked like a relic from the past, with cracked windows and creaking floorboards. A chilling wind swept through the decaying structure, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

Suddenly, the man's intentions became clear as he struck me on the head, and everything went black.

When I regained consciousness, I found myself bound, alongside Jim and Ron. The sinister man revealed his true intentions—to end our lives and unleash his malevolent plans. As he aimed the gun at my forehead, I felt a wave of despair wash over me, convinced that this was the end.

But fate had other plans. The door burst open, revealing two policemen with guns drawn. My brother Kim, who served in the police force, had sensed the danger and returned in the nick of time. A dramatic showdown ensued, filled with fear, suspense, and adrenaline.

Gunshots echoed through the desolate house, as a fierce struggle unfolded before our eyes. The man was taken down, and we were saved from the clutches of this unhinged, evil Santa impersonator.

Though we were rescued, the horrors of that night would forever be etched in my memory. The trauma of facing such malevolence during what should have been a joyous occasion cast a shadow over future Christmases.

Since that fateful night, the festive season has lost its charm for me, replaced by haunting recollections of a Christmas that turned into a nightmarish ordeal in the depths of a dark and chilling forest.

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Agastya Bahuguna

I write horror-fiction short stories! 🧟‍♂️